Farewell from Museum of Glass Staff Member, Clarissa Gines

By Clarissa Gines

On Saturday, December 5, I entered Museum of Glass (MOG) as an employee for the last time. As I reflect on my one-and-a-half years at the Museum, I can’t help but feel grateful for the experience—it has been quite a ride. As an employee of MOG, I gained a wealth of knowledge about the Museum, the glass community, and its supporters. The Museum is such a dynamic, creative institution that really supports and promotes glassblowing, and I appreciate the effort MOG makes in educating the community on the wonders of the art form.

I was fortunate enough to expand my role at the Museum, and utilize and develop my skill set in various capacities within MOG; from working in Visitor Services and the Museum Store as a Frontline Associate, to assisting Membership by processing onsite memberships, and finally in Curatorial as a Rights and Reproductions Assistant. The opportunity to work at MOG has been amazing, and without the Museum, I wouldn’t have been able to meet such amazing artists and supporters in person. From shaking Lino Tagliapietra’s hand and having a casual conversation with Flora C. Mace in the Grand Hall, to standing on stage holding works by a number of talented glassblowers for the annual Red Hot Auction, this experience has been beyond memorable. Without MOG, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to have these fantastic encounters and opportunities! Being an employee at MOG is definitely a unique experience; where else can you randomly meet artists and creative individuals that you admire?

It was a little bittersweet leaving, as I made some amazing friendships and fantastic memories at the Museum; however, I look forward to supporting MOG as a visitor and seeing how the Museum grows in the coming years!

Bryn Cavin